Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Inventories for Thailand

Thailand is a member of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). One of the important obligations of the members is to prepare the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory, submitted to the UNFCCC in accordance with their readiness and potential. However, in order to improve the countries’ efficiency on mitigation action, UNFCCC under the Paris Agreement has established the transparency framework, aimed at implementing understanding, clarifying and monitoring of the implementation and support on climate change under the Paris Agreement. Each member is required to submit the Biennial Transparency Report (BTR), and the first report should be submitted by December 31st, 2024.

TU-RAC’s first task is to provide the knowledge and support in producing the report which contain the national GHG inventory, necessary information to monitor the progress and achievement of the National Determined Contributions (NDC), and information on adaptation and support in accordance with the requirement of the Conference of the Parties of the Paris Agreement.

Then, in order for all sectors of Thailand to operate effectively and take responsibility for global environmental issues, it is crucial that all sectors need to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding of their personnel in collecting information and preparing the GHG report.

TU-RAC’s second task is to assist Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization) in developing the GHG inventory training course for Thailand to be in line with the IPCC practice and to support the implementation of Thailand’s NDC in three sectors: Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Uses (IPPU), and Waste management.

The components of training course include: 1) curriculum and lesson plans, 2) training materials and handouts, 3) examination, 4) manuals, 5) calculation tools, and 6) list of experts. All documents and tools are reviewed by a panel of experts outside the working groups and trained to the relevance agencies at least 1 time. Then, the training course will be used to provide practical training and long-term capacity building for personnel from relevant agencies in Thailand to gain the same knowledge and skills for collecting information and preparing the GHG report.

For more information on this consultancy project, please refer to:
Project to Provide Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Inventories for Thailand

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